Wednesday, December 20, 2006

>;P - pukes

Ok so like I have been really busy splitting my time between work and drunkeness. Drunkeness won. Sobriety is a figment of my own imagination. So to recap the last 2 weeks... Beer, whiskey, practice, beer, sleep, work, beer, whiskey, weed, practice, beer, weed, sleep, work, weed, beer, practice, weed, beer, sleep, writing, work, sleep, practice, beer, practice, beer, promotion/work, shows/heavy drinking, strange beds, towed van, work, christmas party, wine/beer (bad combo), HANG OVER, work, whiskey, beer, weed, recording, work, Blog.

Funny story: Monday night John and I came home after excessive boozing (i don't really remember riding my bike home with him but...) John tried to lean his bike against his legs while he got his keys from his pocket. It fell over anyway and so did he, I tried to stop this all from happening and ended up ass first on the ground too. So here we are 12:15 at night drunk laying on the sidewalk outside our own house...hilariously pathetic

1.) Stop answering my phone (i am not as available as you might think)
2.) Get the internet at my house again (i need it for working)
3.) Get a serious girlfriend (one nighters aren't that fun...ok yes they are, but it gets old)
4.) Fuck you (you know who you are)
5.) stop trusting people completely (you too)
6.) record Tough Shits LP (soon my pretties)
7.) Quit smoking (we'll see)
8.) Tour (self explanitory)
9.) Take a shower (i took my 32nd shower this year yesterday)
10.) Slap you in the face (see #4)

Here is the new band faggots:

and here is a holiday video:


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