Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Movie Night last night... first was King Kong*1 which was long but actually very good. CG is getting really good these days. The facial expressions on Kong were really very moving. This was done by putting multiple sensors on an actors face and then cg mapping his facial expressions. The effect makes the cg very realistic. After a short nap I was ready for Live Freaky Die Freaky*2 which was produced By Tim Armstrong (Rancid, Op Ivy) and Stars(voice), Billy joe Armstrong (Green Day) as Charles Manson, Among other Pop punk stars such as Travis Barker (Blink 182) and the the other dudes from Green Day and some other bands... This movie is really weird but kind of funny. Lots of pupet sex and gore and a really funny gay guy. then i ate some hot pockets. mmmmmnn ham and cheese hot pocket. awwwwl baby.


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